Exercises of Activity Book

Exercises of Activity Book


Talking about the clues

1 Imagine you are a detective and have to find John Kent. Answer these questions as part of your investigation.

  1.  The police waited at the road entrances to the village. How did John Kent get in?

John Kent used an aeroplane for watering craps to get into the village.

  1. John Kent couldn't hide the statues during the day because the police would have seen him. What could he have used to help him see at night?

He could have used flares to help him see at night

  1. There was no bucket to get water from the well. What did the hunters use to get water?

The hunters used empty plastic bags to get water.

  1. There was water in the well but what was making the strange noises?

It was John Kent escaping through the hidden door in the well.


2 Use the following clues to tell the police what has happened: plane, cartridges, plastic bags, well.

Students’ own answers.


3 What do you think happened to John Kent? Could there be a way to escape?

Students’ own answers.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

08 / 03 / 2019
