حمّل تطبيق منهاجي الجديد

منهاجي صار أسرع من خلال التطبيق

  Exercises of Pupil’s Book

Exercises of Pupil’s Book

2   Listen and answer

Which tasks do Kareem and Samira do together?

Kareem and Samira wash the car together.


3   Listen again and tick ()




Tidy up


Make the sandwiches


Dry the dishes


Put the books on the bookshelf


Wash the car


4   Look and say

  1. I’ll set the table.
  2. We’ll dry the dishes.
  3. I’ll make a sandwich.
  4. I’ll put the bouquet of flowers in the vase.
  5. I’ll tidy up.
  6. I’ll wash the car.


5   Read and match

Paragraph (1) – picture (c)

Paragraph (2) – picture (a)

Paragraph (3) – picture (d)

Paragraph (4) – picture (b)


6   Read again and complete

Their photos     a river     sixty years     a cedar tree     about 800 years

  1. There is a river in the caves at Jeita.
  2. On Lebanon’s national flag, there is a cedar tree.
  3. The castle in Sidon is about 800 years old.
  4. It took sixty years to build Moussa Castle.
  5. Aunt Muna and Uncle Hassan will show the children their photos.

إعداد : شبكة منهاجي التعليمية

20 / 02 / 2019

Tmara Alzghateet

شكرا يا اغلى ناس

إضافة رد

1 ردود

Hanan Almomani

أكيد أغلى ناس مهمة معلمين ومعلمات ومنصة منهاجي الرائعه ❤️❤️